Upcoming Dates
Mar. 1, 2024: First day to submit a new application for 2024-2025.
June 8, 2024: Deadline to submit academic progress data for the 2023-2024 year to your local county superintendent. This includes enrollment verifications provided directly by nonpublic schools to the county superintendent for nonpublic school students as well as either nationally normed standardized test results or academic portfolio reviews for Individualized Instructional Plan (IIP) students.
June 15, 2024: Last day to submit a renewal application for 2024-2025 and last day to submit a new application for 100-percent scholarship funding for 2024-2025. To view the other application windows and corresponding funding amounts for 2024-2025, please visit the website at hopescholarshipwv.com.
Hope Scholarship is the state’s education savings account program that gives parents an opportunity to build an individual learning experience that works best for their child. The scholarship allows K-12 students to receive financial assistance that can be used for tuition, fees and other expenses.
To qualify for the Hope Scholarship Program in the upcoming academic year, a student must be a West Virginia resident and be one of the following:
Eligible for or required to be enrolled in kindergarten
Enrolled full-time in public elementary or secondary school in West Virginia for an entire instructional term of the current academic year
Enrolled full-time and attending a public elementary or secondary school in West Virginia for at least 45 calendar days during the current instructional term at the time of application
Notice of Intent
West Virginia Code requires Hope Scholarship participants to submit a Hope Scholarship Notice of Intent (NOI) to the county superintendent of the student’s county of residence. This is a one-time requirement unless you move to a new address or change Hope Scholarship pathways (IIP versus nonpublic school).
Based on current data in the WVEIS system, over 1,300 Hope Scholarship recipients for the 2023-2024 school year have not submitted their NOI to their county board of education. Failure to submit your NOI will result in issues with the county recording your required academic progress submission at the end of the year, which could jeopardize receipt of the Hope Scholarship for the 2024-2025 school year.
*If you have not submitted your NOI to your county, please do so immediately.